Fire Resistance

The tests are designed for national and European certification, approval by insurance companies and the requirements of other bodies for approval, using the requirements of European and international norms.

Resistance to fire is a characteristic of building elements and structures and represents the time to reach one of the following boundary conditions:

  • R- Loadbearing capacity;
  • E- Integrity;
  • I- Thermal insulation;
  • W- radiation;
  • M- Mechanical resistance;
  • K- Cladding.

The tests are carried out with standard fire impacts described in: EN 1363-1 Fire resistance tests - Part 1: General Requirements and EN 1363-2: Fire resistance tests - Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures.

  • Walls and partitions;
  • Beams and columns;
  • Suspended ceilings;
  • Horizontal and vertical fire compartments;
  • Floors and roofs;
  • Fire dampers and ducts;
  • Systems for protection of steel, timber and reinforced concrete elements;
  • Penetrating and linear joint seals.

Fire tests based on the "fire resistance" characteristic of building elements and structures are given in the following table: